About Us

MPHI is now able to accept Real-Time/Batch HIPAA 270/271 transactions from all Providers, Billing Agents, and Clearinghouses registered with CHAMPS. These services are provided on behalf of MDHHS and are available free-of-charge.

Coverage Information

The following data is provided directly from the CHAMPS Eligibility and Enrollment Subsystem.

Note: DSH related eligibility inquiries are only available to providers enrolled under the FAO enrollment type that have completed the DSH question under the "Manage Provider Checklist" (in the CHAMPS-PE subsystem) and have received approval from MDHHS.

Enrollment Process

  1. Download the MPHI companion guide and determine which services your organization is interested in using.

  2. Enroll as a Provider or Billing Agent in CHAMPS.

  3. Note: Clearinghouse vendors need to enroll as a Billing Agent and be associated with the Providers they represent to be able to submit HIPAA 270/271 transactions on their behalf. For information on how to associate MPHI as a Billing Agent, please click here.

  4. Complete MPHI’s online registration form.

  5. Allow 5-10 business days for MDHHS to review your application. MPHI will contact you with login/password and instructions on how to use our HIPAA 270/271 web-services once your application has been approved.

Companion & User Guides

This companion guide provides specific details on how Michigan Medicaid coverage information is handled in a 270/271 transaction.

This companion guide details how to submit transactions to MPHI's Medicaid Clearinghouse. Details for both the Real-Time and Batch Web-Services have been consolidated into the same document.

This user guide gives general instructions on how to navigate Health Plan Benefits.

This user guide gives general instructions on how to navigate Health Plan Benefits, with additional information to support Domain Administrator functions.

Service Dates and Times

The MPHI Eligibility systems go down for maintenance during these maintenance windows.

Note: For more information on CHAMPS outages, please see their companion guide (above) or check on Biller "B" Aware at www.michigan.gov/mdhhs > Doing Business with MDHHS > Health Care Providers > Providers > Medicaid > Medicaid Alerts > Biller "B" Aware.

Contact Information

Provider Support
(800) 292-2550​

Medicaid Eligibility Support
Help Desk
(517) 324-6095
Service Outages
Support Team
(517) 324-6095